The Speares

Living the life in Muskoka

Fettuccini and Sausages

Make a one-egg batch of homemade pasta or use store-bought and adjust the start and boiling times appropriately.

Start the sauce heating at dead low on the back burner in a small pot. Start the water (with some salt) heating at medium on the front burner in a big pot.

Put a liner in the bottom of the air fryer and layer in

  • 4 sausages

so they have lots of air around them. Start the air fryer and let 'er rip for

8 minutes at 400

At the ding, flip the sausages and ensure they still have lots of air. Then back into the fryer for

7 minutes at 400

Crank the heat on the big pot to full.

Add the fettuccini and let boil for 3 minutes. Then try one. If it's too toothy give it another minute or two. Then drain the pasta.

Dinner time! Serve with caesar salad.